Wildlife in Murchison Falls National Park

Wildlife in Murchison Falls National Park : Animals in Murchison Falls National Park include over 450 bird species and 76 species of mammals including four of the Big Five animals that is lion, leopard, buffaloes and elephants.

The most common animals in Murchison Falls National Park include buffaloes, elephants, giraffes, Uganda Kobs, warthogs, crocodiles, hippos, waterbucks and hyenas. The animals in Murchison Falls National Park are often seen while on a boat cruise and during game drives through the savannah plains.


In the adjacent Budongo Forest is home to 600 – 700 chimpanzees, our closest relatives. Some of the communities of the chimpanzees in the forest have been researched and habituated for the past 30 years. It is one of the best places for chimpanzee trekking in Uganda and the River Nile in the park is home to the great Nile perch, Tigerfish and catfish.

The best time for wildlife viewing in Murchison Falls National Park is the dry season (from December to February when animals congregate around the Nile River and other reliable water sources.

  Quick Guide To The Most Likely Animals You Will See In Murchison Falls National Park


Animals Sightings
Giraffe common
Elephant Common
Buffalo Common
Lion Ocassional
Crocodile Abudant
Hippo Abudant
Leopard Rare
Uganda kob Abudant
Jackson’s Hartebeest Common
Oribi Common
Waterbuck Common
Bushbuck Common
Patas Monkey Common
Spotted hayena Ocassional
Warthog Common
Chimpanzee Ocassional
Baboon Common
Sheobill Ocassional
Grey-Crowned Crane Common

 What Animals Live In Murchison Falls National Park?

  1. Hippos

On your Uganda safari in Murchison Falls National Park, you will see plenty of hippos.

Hippos in Murchison Falls National Park spend their days submerged in the cool water of the River Nile with only nostrils, eyes and ears exposed, blinking in the abundant sunshine.

Periodically they duck back under the surface of water and then bobble back up again, blowing excess water from other nostrils and flicking it from their little pink ears. Sometimes you can witness them squabbling or engaged in rough play with one another, mouths wide open to display their incredibly long canine teeth and making quite a splash with their huge bodies.

The main reason hippos stay submerged in water during day is because their vulnerable skin seems unable to stand the effects of the strong sun.

In the night, these animals emerge from their water bed and graze by starlight under the cool relief of night. In spite of their bulky appearance, hippos are quite swift on the ground and can run faster than human. Hippos have been known to wander several miles for their pool while grazing but by the time sunrise burns through the morning haze, these portly beasts will have taken refuge once again in their retreat.

  1. The Big 5

Hundred years ago, lions, rhinos, leopards, elephants and buffaloes were the most sought-after animals to hunger and they were coined the name “The Big Five” by the hunters as hardest animals to hunt.

Many people would travel thousands of miles from Europe and America to Africa just to hunt and kill these beautiful animals of Africa, these days the big five are still the most sough-after animals to see and shoot this time with cameras, not guns.

Murchison Falls National Park offers its visitors the opportunity to see four of these incredible creatures, more than 10,000 buffaloes call the park their home.

The park is also well-known for its huge herds of African elephants – the world’s largest land animals, over 1,330 individuals live in the park and are at an increase. Lions are also regularly observed on game drive north of the Nile.

lions in murchisons

Leopards are slightly more elusive to find on a Uganda safari to Murchison Falls National Park but with a little luck and good timing you should be able to see them. Rhinos are yet to be reintroduced to the Murchison Falls National Park, but you can easily track them on foot in the neighboring Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary which is currently home to 34 Southern White Rhinoceros.

  1. Shoebills

Murchison Falls National Park is home to over 450 bird species and is one of the best places for Uganda bird watching tours, for birders and non-birders, the prehistoric looking Shoebill stork in high on the list of must-sees and the swampy Nile Lake Albert Delta is one of the best places to spot them.

  1. Nile Crocodiles

Beneath the waters of the Nile River in Murchison Falls National Park in Uganda lurks the monstrous Nile Crocodiles in hundreds, the Nile crocodiles is one of the largest crocodilian species on Earth, second only in size to the saltwater crocodiles of Asia and Australia.

These huge prehistoric animals measure up to 6 meters long and they boast exceptional biting force and hunting abilities, younger crocodiles mainly rely on regular meals on invertebrates, amphibians and fish. But those that survive to adulthood attain the status of apex predator, capable of ambushing large prey twice their size including buffaloes, giraffes, baby elephants and even humans.

  1. Rothschild’s Giraffe

These tallest animals on earth are common in Murchison Falls National Park, giraffes are so peculiar in appearance that its scientific name – Giraffa Camelopardalis reflects its perceived similarity to both a camel and a leopard.

Murchison Falls National Park is home to approximately 1,250 Rothschild’s giraffes, more than half the global population of this localized subspecies. The herds of giraffes here are possibly the largest you will ever see, often numbering 30-plus individuals which is a memorable sight as they March through the palm-dotted savannah grassland in the northern part of the park.

  1. Common Warthogs

The common warthog is a commonly seen animal in Murchison Falls National Park, these funny little animals resemble pigs.

The Murchison Falls National Park are listed as one Africa’s “Ugly 5”, the warthogs feed on their knees. They are primarily grazers who spend most of the morning and late afternoon foraging, when startled they run away with their trails sticking straight up in the air. But don’t let their funny appearance completely fool you, the tusks on a male warthog can rip open a lion.

  1. Olive Baboon

Also known as the Anubis baboons, Olive baboons are common animals in Murchison Falls National Park and you can spot them almost everywhere in the park. These versatile and highly intelligent monkeys are known to be a confident opportunities, so keep your vehicle windows closed and your picnic lunch out of sight if you are on a camping safari in the park.

 The canine teeth of the adult male baboon are longer than those of a leopard, they use them in yawning threat displays to rivals but also as lethal weapons, both in attack and self – defense. Just like humans, Baboons rely on subtle social skills for survival.

olive baboons

  1. Spotted Hyena

During your night stay in Murchison Falls National Park, you will fall asleep to a distant, whooping serenade of laughing hyenas.

These animals in Murchison Falls National Park are among the most misunderstood animals in the world, they are hated as cowardly, thieving, dirty, ugly, lazy among others. These impressions are embedded in human history and public consciousness then reinforced by mainstream media and films.

Fortunately more people are coming to appreciate the hyenas for the fascinating creatures they are.

The hyenas play a vital role in the ecosystem by consuming carrion, they are Mother Nature’s recyclers. Their notorious and often feared laugh – like vocalization is just one of the many sophisticated ways in which they communicate.

Spotted Hyena

  1. Patas Monkey

Patas Monkey are other common primates in Murchison Falls National Park, the unique ground dwelling Patas monkeys spend 60 percent of their lifetime on the ground and they normally climb the trees if danger arises.

Also, they are the fastest primates in the world, they can run up to 55 kilometers per hour. They are social primates and live in large troops of up to 60 individuals. Usually female juveniles remain in family groups whereas male juveniles usually leave these groups at sexual maturity.

  1. Fish

The Nile River in Murchison Falls National Park is home to the great Nile Perch, Tigerfish and catfish, the beautiful Tiger Fish has colors of the rainbow but one look at their vicious teeth leaves you in no doubt they are savage predators.

The Nile Perch is one of the largest freshwater fish in the world, it can weigh more than 220 kgs. The largest recorded Nile Perch in Murchison Falls was 114 Kg, caught by Kevin Nicholson in 2013, just escaping Tim Smith’s 113kg catch in 2009.

World famous anglers who have been on the Nile in Murchison Falls National Park looking for that big one include Zeb Hogan of the Monster of Fish – National Geographic and Jeremy Wade – River Monsters presenter.

  1. Antelopes

The term antelope was used for even –toed ungulate species with bony horns confined to Africa and Eurasia, they are known for their long, slender legs which give them great speed. Their unbranched horns do not shed like deer.

Murchison Falls National Park is home to several species of antelopes including Defassa Waterbuck, Bushbuck, and Oribi, Sitatunga, Jackson’s Hartebeest, Grey duiker and Bohor reedbuck.

Murchison Falls National Park is home to around 35,000 Uganda Kobs – the Uganda national animal.

  1. Chimpanzees

Budongo Forest Reserve situated adjacent to Murchison Falls National Park is home to 600 – 700 chimpanzees which are our closest relative, some of the communities in the forest have been researched and habituated for the past 30 years.

Different Ways To See Animals In Murchison National Park

  1. Game Drives

The best way to see animals in Murchison Falls National Park is on a 3 to 4 hour game drive, game drives are mainly done in the northern section of the park which is dominated by open savannah grasslands. To begin the safari, you can head for the Albert delta track where many water birds, buffaloes, crocodiles, lions and giraffes can be found.

The Buligi Peninsula track is a prime game viewing area because open grassland is hugged by the Nile River where you sill spot giraffes, elephants, buffaloes, leopards and hippos.

  1. Boat Cruise

Boat cruise is another wonderful way to see animals in Murchison Falls National Park, there are two boat cruises to choose from each heading in a different direction along the Nile that cuts through the park.

The Albert Delta boat cruises commences from Paraa and takes you down the Nile River towards the shores of Lake Albert, it travels 28 kilometer cruise taking between 4-5 hours. The morning session is best for watching birds especially the prehistoric – looking shoebill stork

The second cruise – the launch trip leaves Paraa leading you upstream towards the stunning Murchison Falls. On reaching the falls, you can witness the water cascading through a small 8 meter gorge creating an almighty splash and carrying mist through to the boat. As you close along the Nile River water, you will see pods of hippos, crocodiles, waterb birds and bathing elephants. The trip is a 3 hours trip.

  1. Trekking in Budongo Forest

This excursion takes you on a trek through Budongo Forest in search of birds and chimpanzees.

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